Friday, April 29, 2011

Adventures of a College Student: An insight to my thoughts

Adventures of a college student
Lesson 4: 

Today, I was cleaning my new room in my apartment. 
I came to this realization that my life has been immensely blessed in the last 3 years. I find it so interesting of the changes that have taken place with in me as a person, in those around me, and the world that we live in and my view of it. 

They have not been small or inconsequential, but to the world they are't revolutionary or life changing. The changes come in small subtle ways. It seems as though, I haven't noticed in myself the person I have been and continue becoming, until I thought about it this morning. I have seen great things, thousands of years of history, the way a culture can shape people into amazing things, history that amazes me and sends me to my knees in gratitude to the Lord for the talents and abilities he has given other people to create magnificent things and the people who were/are able to preserve them so they can continue to be seen. The ideas that the "American" way of living is great and wonderful, but I realize that I have come to have such a passion for history and places that have hundreds of years under the soil that I want to be a apart of something like that. 

The love of people of all shapes and sizes is something I can't get enough of. The idea that I can be who I choose is a great to live life. Wanting to live a crazy life full of travel culture food and a pursuit of understanding the different ways of life is not something everyone else understands and wants which is okay. 

I am grateful for the lessons I have learned at school, from awful roommates to people who dont understand the idea of acting their age to roommates who are amazing people with some much to offer the world, to broken hearts, bad situations, hard work and learning who can't do everything your self. 

Those are just a few of the thoughts bouncing around in my head today they may or may not be correct but they are things I can appreciate knowing. I have one year of school left, I can't wait to see what I learn next! 

- be grateful for your trials your greatest blessings and everything you have to offer those around you


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Please watch and read me

in case you missed my facebook post, This right here is why I love country music, These two influential people sing of their love and adoration for God, and aren't ashamed to on national television, now just to find more people just like them!!!! yea, for Vince Gill and Carrie Underwood!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Adventures of a College Student: being in rexburg

Can be a pain, a joy, a blessing, a heart ache, a stress machine, a stress reliever, fun, loving and a large memory.  Today I  found that through out all my naps "full nights" of sleep everything I have dreamed about have happened in the last 2 years. Its a little crazy to think that I have been here that long to not remember .. " what winter semester that happened!" 

So this last week has been really hard for me. I have been immensely busy and it is just going to continue from here on out, which kinda scares me that my semester will be intense but I am sure I can handle it. So for the adventures of a college student.... 
lesson #3

I have been here a week and have not gone grocery shopping haha, I know crazy right? I also have this awesome ride that needs air in its tires.....

 that has yet to happen 
 I have a load of laundry I am pretty sure won't fit in my  closet, 
and two quizzes due tonight at 11:59... 
anyone want to trade  lives with me? 

yea, didn't think so. 
Well my stress level is an 11, and rising so if you know any QUICK stress relievers send them my way!!!!

oh ..... p.s. happy easter!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Adventures of a College Student: Lessons Learned

I as travel, I have a  lot of time to think about choices I have made in this past year and the things I can pull from them, so for more lessons in my life I can add the following statements.

Precious wounds like a heartbreak you can't let go of because it hurts too good is not allowing yourself to move on, even when you feel like you shouldn't.

"ruin is a gift, ruin is the road to transformation" - Elizabeth Gilbert meaning not literal ruin but the dissembling of different compartments in my life and building them back up

Select my thoughts, in doing so, I can better navigate my days

Let it be, control is nothing I can successfully have a part of.

It seems so simple fix them, perfect them and my life will be better, guess what its not. Although there are days when I feels like I mastered even just the tiniest bit of one of the above I find I am very wrong I still have a lot to learn.

I go to home tomorrow, on to a new semester, new apartment, new better me and more
Adventures of a College Student.

- Until then

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Adventures of a College Student: mature? who you calling mature?

 Adventures of a College Student
Part 2: Lessons of Maturity 

When people define you as a mature adult what exactly does the mean?

Definition of Mature: 

complete in natural growth or development, as plant and animal forms: a mature rose bush.
ripe, as fruit, or fully aged, as cheese or wine.
fully developed in body or mind, as a person: a maturewoman.
pertaining to or characteristic of full development: a matureappearance; fruit with a mature softness.
completed, perfected, or elaborated in full by the mind:mature plans.

take your pick as to which one suits your needs.....

 Mature is a word that can only be used in circumstances of food, nature and or wine which I don't drink so its not important. Its a word we use far to often incorrectly, none of us are as definition 5 states "completed or perfected" so why chose to define your self as mature? 

This girl is wearing a shirt that will say "under construction" until the day the Lord takes it off. I am striving to be the best in every situation even it it is a hard one and I can act "immature" because thats what I am until I learn how to respond better, learn from my mistakes and try to do better the next time.  I am scared for the day someone tells me I am a mature adult. Push the people around you to be better, but don't use mature:)

gotta get back to stuff that has to get done:)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Something that helped to put a smile on my face

How did you die?
Did you tackle that trouble that came your way
With a resolute heart and cheerful?
Or hide your face from the light of day
With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a trouble’s a ton, or a trouble’s an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it.
And it isn’t the fact that you’re hurt that counts,
But only how did you take it?
You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what’s that?
Come up with a smiling face.
It’s nothing against you to fall down flat,
But to lie there – that’s disgrace.
The harder you’re thrown, why the higher you bounce;
Be proud of your blackened eye!
It isn’t the fact that you’re licked that counts;
It’s how did you fight and why?
And though you be done to the death, what then?
If you battled the best you could;
If you played your part in the world of men,
Why the Critic will call it good.
Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce,
And whether he’s slow or spry,
It isn’t that fact that you’re dead that counts,
But only how did you die?
-Edmund Vance Cooke

Monday, April 11, 2011

Adventures of a College Student: Flights thoughts and great chats.

 The Adventures of a College Student. 
Part 1: Big Decisions 

 I think its a well known fact that during the college years of a person's life is when you make decisions that alter who your are, define your future, and enable your success. So with that here are some of mine lately.

I have another semester of school. What classes do I take ? Am I on the right path? 

Spring Break, an awful realizing of a financial  mistake, and leaving family and vacation time to work. 
( big kid learning time)

Knowing that the next time I can come up for air and have a break wont be for months. 

Co-Coordinating a basketball league, do I have what it takes to be a great leader?

Getting my car fixed

Moving into to a new apartment less than 24 hours before my first class starts.

New roommates

to name a few things on my mind lately......

I flew to Hawai'i yesterday, and I as looked down upon the mass of an expansive blue ocean and white clouds I noticed that the water had white spots, or white caps, when I got close enough to recognize what they were. I then realized that the unruly water was as ruff and rugged as my thoughts had been the entire plan ride. I have nothing largely wrong with me and everything to be grateful for, I just had a lot on my mind and somethings to sort through. It was almost comforting to know that the ocean has ruff days too. I have found that as I have been trying to wind down my life turns on a switch and runs the stress levels right back up. So for all the funny twist and turns I have come up with a recipe.

first pour it all out... on paper on computer on table whatever floats your boat get it all out in the open

second mix it up... put in order of priorities, label 1 to 10 and push all extras off to the side

third put it on the heat.... why does it stress you out? relive the stress finish the project mark it off your list

fourth pull it of the heat... be okay with the fact that everything can't be solved in a day learn to turn off the mind to levels of stress when you eat dinner get ready for bed, otherwise you won't sleep. 

Once I landed, I felt as tough a wave of relief passed through me, a great big wave like the ones I had been watching on the ride in. I met up with great people gave lots of hugs and caught up on lives, friendships and work. What great way to calm my brain down focusing on the big recaps in my life. 
its been six months since I have been here, and in those months I have done big things and be to extraordinary places. loving to be caught up on everyones lives and see their wonderful faces, was a joy I hadn't expected would be so delightful on my part, yet satisfying seeing all is well and great. 

I am aslo grateful for Chats with people who are great identifiers of personalities, and of me. Truly interested in my well being. Its completely wonderful. To them, I thank you for being so gosh darn awesome!!!! 
So this week, is full of thoughts work, work and work. Maybe a little beach time squeezed in there somewhere:) And some decision making!!

catch you up with you soon!
out for now

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring break?

Hey everyone
We'll I am supposed to be on spring break but I am going to Kauai to work..... More stories to come and the beginning of....

my new blogging series

The Adventures of a College Student

Excited? Me too!

Be looking for the pictures and updates from Kauai!