Thursday, December 22, 2011

Traveling during the Holidays

"Um so basically I have been sitting in the same spot in the SF Airport for two hours now. I am facing the window with my back to traffic, watching the plane and the working of the tarmack. You would be amazed at the things I have heard seen and watched. 

The first plane to leave, asked two people to give up their flights with a reward of a later flight, first class and a $400 dollar voucher. Now, I have travelled a bit and long enough to have had an experience where if they needed us to give up our seats we would have opted to stay, and they didn't. So I sat here watched all of these people look around and no one gave up the seats!  What no one could give up a few extra hours in Portland Oregon? 

Then this older lady had been walking and was pushed by someone running past, thus she spilled the contents in her arms all over the floor where three more people walked throughout the scattered papers books and gifts until this man stopped turned around faced the on coming traffic directed people around and his wife carefully and neatly gathered all the contents and politely and quietly handed them back to lady wished her a very merry christmas grabbed her husband hand and together hand in hand speed waked to the flight they were already late for. 

Next, was the loud disrupted family that sat next / on top on me with their loud children and loud parenting ways. Though to everyone else sitting here who find them slightly annoying and mostly rude for being so loud, I see a child with a serve handicap and large smile on his face happily asking about "his plane coming" an older teenage son who sits quietly watching the family he belongs to and trying to find his place. Then two other small children who are loud and crying for atttention. I see a family who instead of staying home because it was easier, are traveling to visit family and to cling onto what makes them a family, the loud conversing, laughing, and the constant hustle and bustle of toddlers. props for being your selfs and staying on top of it... in your own way ;)

Last, is the Lonely Looking older man who sat next to me. Who smiles ask, "miss is that seat taken?" and with my response takes a seat and 
says to me," you know I sure love traveling on the holidays, I feel like all the freaks geeks lovers and liars all come to one place to do the same thing, be with people they love, even if only for the weekend. It's like the world has the same purpose and goal for 3 solid days. Its great isn't?"  
I responded, " I completely agree but I would add to your list of those leaving, singles married grandparents parents sisters and brothers and  you where do you fit?" 

"A happily married man going to visit his sweetheart in a top of the line nursing home in southern california." 

"wonderful we will be on the same flight"

"perfect a chance to get to know someone better, and I never miss that opportunity!" 

... until chance would have it he is on the phone with his grandkids and I am blogging about the simple lessons others have taught me.

a few hours aren't that big of a deal, someone might need it more than me
your never to busy to help, it always counts to help.
family is family no matter what shape level of loudness or form
there is always time to get know someone new. 

Wooo hoooooo for going home, 
wooohooo for family time
and thank heavens for christmas. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

oh you know

Kade came two days early last night, and my goodness it was better than expected. I have had surgery finals, stress, and plenty of other things on my plate and he has been in Boise. The whole time. I can't tell you how happy I am to have him here to help and be with me. I am really really homesick too, not a day goes by that I don't miss my family, bad especially during Christmas. I broke down in tears a couple times already but I know I will be home soon and can't wait to hang out with them and celebrate being with them and the birth of our Savior. So I am off to study and be with Kade all day just they way I like it:)

Friday, December 9, 2011

A little udpate

So I am slowly recovering, and my fiancé and mom are gone. I am left to the hands of my awesome roommates, who make me laugh so I cry cause it hurt:) help me up the stairs and call me 80 when I walk.
I am also  still in school, struggling to stay ahead, want to sleep all day and not be in rexburg any longer. So everyday is a little bit of a fight with in me and I want to quit and go home. I can do this thought just a week left. Onward! oh and here is a another story of my life, even with the correct documents NO ONE I tell you can spell my name right.....

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

surgery and the bestest mommy ever!!

yes bestest is a word! she came in and saved the day! she honestly is the best friend I could ask for and the best mom.
 fully awake and nervous
 awake not fully aware...
 next, morning feeling the pain...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

obsessed with christmas

love the music
 the spirit
the happiness
 the lights
 the joy
 the giving
 the receiving
 the CHRIST part of Christmas
 the first presidency's message
 and the EGGNOG!!!!!
 happy christmas!
 p.s. if we were married? first christmas card~!