Thursday, October 8, 2009

Inspiration from Grandparents

I have officially decided that I love photography, not as much as I love creating a meal that everyone will love though! I have decided that I am going to take a sewing class, a baking class, a piano class, photo class at some point in my life. Those are four things that I think will improve my creative ability and skill level. I want to be a very rounded person, have interest in everything, and be able to talk to anyone about anything! I know a very daunting task but I really really want too! I have decided its one of the coolest things about my grandparents that I have decided to apply it into my life. I want to be just like them when I grow up! I want to have traveled the world and found there is no one better to be than myself, that loving one thing more than anything else is okay:) I want a fabulous garden. I want to cook and eat like a queen on my budget:) Love life, and the Church, Love my husband like I didn't know how to do anything else. always having a smile on my face, and hopefully live in a place that I love to be in!

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