Thursday, December 9, 2010

little bits of wisdom I have been picking up lately

because the flower blooms constantly the flower stood for  lasting pleasure in the Victorian language of flowers.

Because it winds its long wild wild stems around the branch, honeysuckle reminded the Victorians of the bonds of love, as if it said to the object of love, "Let me mind you-be my captive."

Young Love, so transcendent, so self-obessed, so often fatal, manifests itself in the hyacinth's blooms. in the French flower code, it said, "you love me and destroy me." In the English code, it merely suggested play. 

 Expresses the Beautiful sadness of love, the feeling- always available to the lover- of impending farewell. 
from the book of all things floral and its meanings by scoble and feild

om namah shivaya
I honor the divinity that resides within me. 

" Our whole business therefore in this life," wrote Saint Augustine, " is to restore to health the eye of the heart whereby God may be seen."

To hear is to see. So the matter still stands, do I hear things I want to see? and what I see does it change me?

tomorrow I take a drive I have been taking my whole life. tomorrow I drive it myself. 
here I come:D

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