Friday, May 1, 2009

things you learn in an office

Now, I can share whats going on in my personal life:)
things you learn in an office:
there is such thing as being an annual bathroom stall user
you being on a computer raises by a 100%
I hate how quite it is
the best online radios
what it means to be bored out of your ever loving mind
how to embrace that phrase with all its meanings and enderments
how a cisco phone works
the IT guys name personal history and a new found relationship with someone who you only know their voice
Smart water is a savior in the world of constant headaches
that travel is a must with ticket costs so low
that our world has so many amazing things in it that I might never want to settle down
what makes a good car
you tube is full of freaks
but ones that are all looking for the same things we are acceptance
I have a huge list of things I can do to make myself better
and I will do it
to really understand the passion behind being the best person you can
to still enjoy reading, and sad in the fact that no one your age can really sit down and dicuss a good book with you
to come to conculsion about the mysteries of life
they are mysteries because it keeps us interested in still living because as the human race we love a good mystery.
to realize that there are things I just cant control and to have the courage to accept that
to realize I am a goof
I love diversity
which is why I try and learn and do everything
I love love
love is inadquate broken and the greeks say it much better than we do
I want to learn a new language this summer
and that the economy is slowly moving again. slowly


  1. I will sit and discuss (on the phone) a book with you any time you like my dear ;) lol Sounds like you are having fun hahahah I miss you!


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