Monday, June 15, 2009


Thunderstorms. I have a deep undying love for thunderstorms. The booming surround sound of a clasp of thunder, that makes you want to grab on to the closest person and hold on out of fear it might shake you away. The fast pulse of rain beating on your face as you run to the car: knowing that running is probably making it worse. 30 seconds later hair soaking, pulse rushing, mind racing, lightning flashing, and then it happens. You make eye contact, the sound of your heart now measures that of the thunder. Your emotions are pouring out fast, if not faster than the rain around you, all you can see is his/her face, the water streaming down to his/her lips, his/her eyes searching yours trying to swim through his/her emotions into yours. The romantic setting dark gloomy skies that sends us into dark houses warm fires and blankets. as you sit there in the house dripping fresh clean rain water on to the dark hard wood floor; you smile out of breath, and slowly he/she pulls you in to kiss your lips and you lose all holds onto any connections in your brain to speak or think. Now you act on pure emotion.

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